A fully functional smart textual database frontend with features like tabcompletion and command history.
All the missing unix tool features in sqlplus or server commandline are include in sqlshell and many many more.
SQLShell is trying to be as much self-explanatory as possible. To accomplish this SQLShell has:
* an embedded help function that allows you to show help about a specific command or search for a keyword in help (help -k keyword).
* tab completion assist for most commands (including file browsing for spool or executing a command from file (@)
SQLShell is getting new features with every new release and it's tab completion support for sql queries has improved a lot since it's first release.
A fully functional smart textual database frontend with features like tabcompletion and command history.
All the missing unix tool features in sqlplus or servercommandline are include in sqlshell.
- [2008-12-24] release 0.6.1
- [2008-12-23] release 0.6
- [2008-03-14] release 0.5
- [2008-01-24] release 0.4
- [2007-10-09] release 0.3
- [2007-09-16] release 0.2
- [2007-08-01] release 0.1
Q:Which features has SQLShell?
The goal of SQLShell is to be as usefull as possible in a shell environment.
Currently it supports many features like: tabcompletion on tables and columns, command history, spooling of files, executing a sql script
Q:What are the requirements
Minimum (tested) requirements: SUN Java 6 and a working operating system for:
javacurses (http://sf.net/projects/javacurses)
or charva (http://www.pitman.co.za/projects/charva/index.html).
Q:How to run SQLShell
Unzip the tgz or zip file and start sql shell using:
windows: sqlshell.bat
unix/linux: ./sqlshell
Per default is uses a simple database, you can configure your own database settings by editing the db.properties file
With Charva
In order to run sqlshell using charva you need to have the charva libraries in the lib folder.
Currently charva is compiled for windows (32 bits) and linux intel 32 bits and amd 64 bits. If you don't
own an intel 32 bits, you need to modify the contents of the lib/charva directory.
With JCurses
Please note that in order to be able to run the improved sqlclient
with the 'sqlshell' script, the $project/lib dir is required to
contain the jcurses.jar and libjcurses.so files.
Also note that jcurses.jar need NOT be a symlink.
1. Copy or move the dll located in the windows directory to the lib directory (the directory containing jcurses.jar
2. Change the INSTALLATION_DIR variable in sqlshell.bat file
3. Start sqlshell.bat
Q:How to connect to my database
With the command connect. The command 'help connect' provides a list of configured identities
Q:Why develop something like SQLShell
The intention of writing this sqlclient/sqlshell is to provide a common interface to different databases we use in our company. But most important is that the interface to a commercial client we use is really not very usefull. Our goal is to add as many features as we can think of to this small utility class so that our daily work is made a lot easier. The initial functionality should contain:
- sql command history (key up/down)
- tab completion (at least for select queries)
- execute a sql file (@mystatements.sql)
- spool output to a file (spool output.txt)

download here the last version
Minimum (tested) requirements: SUN Java 6 and a working operating system for
javacurses (http://sf.net/projects/javacurses)
Download releases from Sourceforge
hglteam at users.sourceforge.net
vdkuil at users.sourceforge.net
srotman at users.sourceforge.net